Our Laboratory specializes on carrying out of fundamental and applied scientific research in various areas and on the boundaries of medical physics, biology, biophysics, medical equipment, physiology and the medicine. Main investigations are directed on a creation of new methods of diagnostics and treatments of diseases of people on the basis of the use of non-ionizing physical factors, influences, methods, devices and apparatus, mainly based on optical (laser) techniques, and also on reception of new fundamental knowledge of people, about etiology and pathogenesis of theirs diseases and features of its physiological reactions in the "patient-device-doctor" system.
Primary objectives and directions of the Laboratory scientific activity are:
- Development of new methods and technologies of laser medical diagnostics in vivo, especially of Noninvasive Medical Spectrophotometry (NMS), biospectrophotometry, biophotometry, absorption spectroscopy, etc.;
- Development of scientific background of metrological providing and equipment for methods and devices of NMS;
- Studying of the blood microcirculation system (BMS) and oxygen transport in the BMS with the use of different in vivo NMS methods and equipment;
- Studying of reaction of BMS on functional loading tests and various treatment procedures (physiotherapy, pharmacological therapy, operative intervention, etc.) with the use of optical NMS methods;
- Theoretical fundamental research on the transport theory and on the description of light propagation and scattering in turbid biological tissues and media;
- Research on a structure of soft tissues (the maintenance of collagen, elastin, keratin, muscular and fatty components etc.), and also activity of respiratory cellular enzymes in tissues (NADH, FAD, lipopigments, etc.) in norm and at different pathological cases with the use of methods of laser fluorescent diagnostics and scattering spectroscopy in vivo;
- Research in the field of fundamental basis of scientific and engineering theory of autonomous service medical robots functioning in real clinics;
- Study of the possibility of creating robotic intelligent systems with elements of self-awareness.
Until 2022, the scientific areas of the laboratory also included:
- Studying the toxicity and biological danger of nanoparticles, technical materials on a basis of nanoparticles and technologically nanostructured medical and biological preparations;
- Development of techniques of testing of both bioactivity and biosafety of nano-particles on the basis of the multi-factorial analysis of physiological indicators and indicators of disorders of cognitive functions of the brain of animals;
- Research by methods of functional optometry and neuroophthalmology of violations of cognitive functions in neurologic patients;
- Research in the field of regenerative medicine and bioresorbable materials including polymer microcapsules as potential carriers of medicines with the prolonged action.
For more detailed information on various sections - pass under references of corresponding points of the dropping out menu:
- Lasers in medicine
- Neurophysics and neurophysiology
- Safety of nanotechnologies
- Theoretical modelling
- Medical robots
- Regenerative medicine
- Others